Why You Need A Personal Injury Lawyer

Posted on: 22 July 2021

You could be in a dilemma of whether you should hire a personal injury lawyer while pursuing your compensation claim. Although hiring a lawyer is costly, their input will significantly affect the success of your case and the amount you will receive as compensation. Below is an extract discussing the benefits of hiring a lawyer and the considerations to make when hiring a personal injury lawyer. 

Reasons To Hire A Personal Injury Lawyer

Injury Appraisal

How much would you claim for a fracture or other injury? A wide range of factors influence the amount of compensation you will receive for your injuries. Typically, the lawyer will assess standard industry practices, insurance limits, and past settlements to determine how much you should claim for your injury. External factors such as your wages, the need for rehabilitation, and the probability of secondary illnesses will also influence the value of the claim. 

Compensation Negotiations

The insurance company might give a lower offer than you expected. In this case, you could reject the offer and ask the insurance company for a justification. At this stage, the insurance company could invite you over for formal negotiations. You will be at a disadvantage if you attempt to argue your case against experienced insurance lawyers. With a personal injury lawyer at your side, you can be confident you won't be taken advantage of. Your personal injury lawyer will present the required evidence and use negotiation tactics to ensure you get a high reward. 

Court Sessions

In some cases, personal injury suits end up in court. In this case, you will need a personal injury lawyer to prove your case in court and counter the defence team's arguments. During the court process, the insurance company could opt to increase their initial offer. Your lawyer will advise whether you should accept this offer. 

Considerations To Make When Hiring A Personal Injury Lawyer

When you're deciding what lawyer to hire, you should: 

  • Assess the lawyer's licencing and accreditations. A locally based lawyer could have intricate knowledge of the local justice system
  • Consider lawyers with a high success rate and positive reviews from clients
  • Ask for a no-win, no-fee agreement to ensure the lawyer is dedicated to ensuring a positive outcome
  • Check the lawyer's terms to avoid disputes after hiring them

A personal injury lawyer will appraise your injuries, negotiate with the insurance company, and represent you in court. Observe the recommended tips when hiring a personal injury lawyer
